Bawai's Vietnamese Kitchen, White Plains, Katipunan Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

Friday, September 25, 2015

Interested in trying out something different?
How about trying Vietnamese at Bawai's? :)
Located along White Plains: #79th building!

Bawai's is specifically located on the corner of this small area of shops called: 
Bellitudo: the lifestyle strip.

Parking in Bellitudo isn't hassle as long as you're going during weekdays, I guess? From my observation, it offered up to maybe 15 spaces for parking?
Though, it's not expected to be fully occupied, since most of the shops in Bellitudo aren't for essentials.

ALSO, it isn't hassle as long as it won't rain! When we went there, it rained around 9PM; and the street in front (white plains) was already partially flooded! About... ankle-deep? 
So when you're parked in the front (where we parked, in front of the Korean grocery store) and the rain comes pouring hard even for only 30-40 minutes, getting to your car on the second door can be a struggle lol!

Bellitudo has this small building with 2 floors beside the walkway to Bawai's. I'd love to tell you about every shop that Bellitudo has to offer, but we didn't had the chance to stroll around. :(

Though, what I've seen on its ground floor are: 
The Fun & Mart, a mini Korean grocery store that offers a dine-in. Maybe similar to 7eleven or MinistopThe Souq Organics which is obviously an organic store that seemed interesting to go to; Flaming Wings, the only other restaurant I saw there; and The Grey shop, which had artsy collectibles displayed. I saw some Vinyls, Beatles posters, and other unique, vintage-y things!
I wanted to check them out but we didn't have time huhu.

Here's how Bawai's looks like on the walkway.
The motors ruined it, but that's their parking space, so... oh well.
Sorry for the quality of my photos, by the way! They were only taken with my phone. :(

Before you actually get to Bawai's, you have to walk down the stairs since the restaurant's on a lower ground.

Shoutout to those who might go with their grandparents or whoever who's on a wheelchair! They have a ramp, so it's no stress carrying them down the stairs.
Pretty convenient. ;)

Here's how the front looks like. It felt really homey, especially on the side of the place. You'll get to see a great view.

Not sure if they had our table reserved on that specific area though, because the wooden stripes is actually a sliding divider. 

I think our table was for 20 people?

This was how it looked from where I was seated.

And here's a picture of their menu! :)
I can't remember the name of every single dish we ordered, but I'll try to base it from the menu's descriptions.

This was our first dish.
It's actually a salad.. A pretty unusual one for me. Haha!
I think it's the Bawai's Salad.
It wasn't my cup of tea, but it was okay.
(honestly, the only thing I ate in the dish that truly satisfied me was the shrimp)

This was.. I think Com Suon Cha?
I liked this one without the paste. :)

This one's definitely the Tom Rang Me. Yep, tom rang me to tell me about how good this dish was. ;) loljk corny

But truly, this dish was good! Probably because it's 98% Shrimp haha! but it was great, despite the Tamarind sauce.

This is the Curry Ca!
Well, the very blurry photo of it. Sorry!
I'm really not a fan of Chicken, so the Chicken was alright. Alot more satisfying than the salad. Lol! But I loved the sauce. I was even the one who took most of the sauce, and had it poured on my rice. De-lish, mhm! 

How my plate looked as of that time.
No sauce on my rice yet, lol!

These were the noodles we ordered.
I can't distinguish them from one another basing from the descriptions in the menu. :((
But the second one, the picture below, has an option whether you want it spicy or not. I don't know if it applies for all their noodles, but spicy was better. Don't worry, it wasn't that spicy. :)
I liked the first noodle soup more, though.

I think this is the Bo Nuong Cha.
I wasn't able to taste it, because one of our friends ordered it and had it for herself. That was the only dish she ate, so I couldn't ask for a taste. Lol! But it looked delicious!

I think this was Ca Nuong Cha Ot.
It was an additional order, because some of the late-comers were still hungry.
It was good. I couldn't tell if it was fish fillet or vegetables like radish cake, and some more; but it was good. It wasn't heavy for the stomach.

The final output.

Honestly, I found Vietnamese food.. alright? It wasn't the type of food that I'd gladly eat everyday. Almost every dish they had contained Tamarinds or Tamarind sauce.
I'm not a fan of sweet dishes, so it's really not for me. Haha.
If you like sweet dishes like Sweet and Sour Pork, and alike, I think you'd love it there. :)

The sign on their door.

This was how it looked from the left of the restaurant's entrance.

And this was from the right of the entrance. I think the steps lead to a small fish pond? I tried to have a peak, but I couldn't see well because it was dark.

Bawai's, in a nutshell, was alright.
It was a great try for something new. I'd gladly go there to introduce the place to a friend, but if only for myself, I don't think I would. Heehee.
BUT THEN AGAIN, if you're a fan of sweet dishes, you should try it there! 
I think that's what Vietnamese food specializes in.

Just give it a try guys! It wouldn't hurt to try something new. :)

'till my next post!

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