Mom cooks: Chicken Terriyaki

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My mom found this recipe and she tried it out.
It was the best homemade Chicken Terriyaki that I had!
She based her recipe from here.
It's been a while since I last blogged...
and I blame school. Lol joke, but no joke :(

So anyway! You're probably (hopefully) psyched to see my mom's super duper yummy recipe for Chicken Terriyaki, right? So I'm proceeding with sharing the ingredients needed:
Chicken Breasts (the sky's the limit, this will depend on how many you want)
White Wine

✿ Soy Sauce (depending on how much flavor you want)

✿ Sesame Seeds

✿ Sesame Oil

✿ Sugar

✿ Garlic Powder

So before all else, my mom fried the sesame seeds and set them aside. She didn't put any oil, because during her first attempt wherein she used oil, the seeds wouldn't brown. 

Once the seeds are set aside, pour in a bit of oil, and place in the chicken.

When the chicken starts to change in color, season the chicken with pepper and garlic powder.

Keep frying the Chicken until it turns golden.

Then, add in Sugar. 

Next, put in about 1 to 2 tablespoons of Sesame Oil.

Then, add in the Sesame Oil and White Wine.

If you did it the way my mom did, it's supposed to look like this!
And the last and final step is to add in the Sesame Seeds. :)

That's it! Easy peasy, but tasted so excellently!
Try it out! The failure risk is close to 0, so what are you waiting for?

Till my next post! :)

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