Carmelo's Wagyu Steaks, Greenbelt 5, Makati City

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Carmelo's can be really enjoyable... if you have money to order the menus you really want. Normally, we wouldn't dine in such a restaurant, but since we were given the chance to get discounts because my parents's friends had vouchers, we gladly took the opportunity.

p.s. I know nothing on getting vouchers, but I could ask tita if you guys want!
Malls at the south are such classy places. I love going there, and envisioning myself freely purchasing things, naturally wearing classy outfits, and normally dining in unique restaurants. Everytime I'm there, everything in front of me just literally screams "#GOALS".
When I saw Carmelo's and the other restaurants in the area, it's as if I went deaf. Lol

The place wasn't big, but it was spacious. It has seats outside too, but if you want to be seated inside, reservations might be a must. The place looks most appropriate for date nights, one-to-one meetings, and small family dinners. Almost all customers went by pairs. We went there as a large number, and the ones seated on the wall-side had difficulty when going to the bathroom. So the place was probably really designed for quiet, formal dinners.

Carmelo's serves refillable Bread appetizers. Here are those breads. As far as I remember, there was also one that had raisins.

Despite the welcoming Bread, they still offer various appetizers in their menu. 
Honestly? I was going to take photos of their menu, but I was scared of getting caught. Lol pretty sure the people would give stern looks. It would have been sneaky if I used my phone (because then, I could disable the capture sounds), but I had the chance to use my brother's SLR, so might as well take advantage! Also, my phone-camera's quality isn't as clear as an iphone's. So... boohoo.

This... wasn't our order. So I'm not sure what this is. It could be the Shrimp and Mushroom Ravioli with Truffle Sauce that costs 295.00 php.

This wasn't our order as well, but I'm sure it's either the Lamb Riblets or the Spicy Crispy Baby Back Pork Riblets that cost 295.00 php.

They were the only ones who ordered appetizers, and considering the small serving, it's unable to be shared. From the looks of it though, they enjoyed them. I mean seriously, just looking at them can make your eyes feel satisfaction.

Actually no, just looking at them will make you hungrier. It's a must to atleast try them. *cries*

Our first order that arrived was the Seafood Pasta. You have a choice whether to have it in red sauce or white sauce. It costs 550.00 php. It was delish. I swear. The flavors were really abundant, and the choice of seafoods went so well with the flavor.

This soup came with our Steak. Every Steak order comes with a soup of the day, and a small dessert that I can't even remember tasting. My dad probably ate it before I had the chance to take a photo of it. :((
Anyway, the soup of the day that time was the French Onion Soup that costs 195.00 php. Pretty much costs the same as the "soup of the day". There's also Seafood Chowder in the menu and it costs 225.00 php. The soup was surprisingly good. I expected it to be less flavored since it consists mostly of Onions, and it looks plain; but it was really good. I even wanted more.

This was our order. It's the Wagyu Rib Eye. I don't know the price, but it depends on the number of grams that you choose.
Totally worth it, guys. Totally. freaking. worth. it.

It was easy to chew, and it was full of flavor. The sides were also cooked well, especially the potatoes. Loved the potatoes. It was 'bitin' for us, though. The three of us shared on this, and if you're a heavy eater like me, it's just not enough. Maybe if there's only two of you, it can bloat you guys.
If you're three though, I suggest you order a bigger one.

And this is one of the "bigger one"s. It's the Wagyu T-bone and it costs 6.50 php per gram. Kind of looks small on the picture, right? but it's not. It's reaally big, and two people shared this. Two, non-heavy eaters. So I guess you can imagine how bloated they were lol. They weren't even able to finish their soup of the day. I was able to have a bite of this and it was so juicy.
Just remembering it makes my mouth water.

Our last order was the Free Range Organic Chicken in Smoked Honey Sauce. It costs 495.00 php. Like the other orders, I loved it too. For a person who's not a fan of Chicken, this was delicious. When you see it in person, it looks like the usual roasted chicken. At first, I didn't even want to eat it because I thought my expectations were true; but my mom placed some on my plate and said, "Kahit konti lang. Masarap siya."
When I tried the small piece, I asked my mom to slice more for me. It wasn't the ordinary kind of "sweet". It wasn't even sweet... or was it? I really don't know how to explain, but the flavor was unique and if I were to eat one whole chicken my entire life, I'd choose to have this.

Calling all people who are sick and tired of the everyday-chicken, this one's different! Have it a go!
No ragrets.

Carmelo's also offers desserts. I bet they taste amazing too, but we weren't able to buy some, because it would exceed the vouchers.

And of course, they also offer Wine. What steakhouse doesn't offer Wine?

And here's a photo of me and my parents at Carmelo's! lol

So Carmelo's, in a nutshell, was a deliciously classy experience. The ambiance and the food go well together, and the place is quiet. It's really comfortable there, and the service was excellent.
And yes, they do have wifi. ;)
Can't wait to go back there!

'till my next post! 
oh, and if I got some of dishes's names wrong, please feel free to correct me. :)

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