"My True Love Gave to Me (Twelve Holiday Stories)" Book Review

Friday, March 06, 2015

So I've finished reading "My True Love Gave to Me" by Stephanie Perkins.

This review is going to be short because I can't review every single story (I've forgotten it's arrangement and stuff); but before all, I really suggest you read it around October or November.
I read it around late February or January, and the effect was less on me. :(
I really wanted to read it around Oct or Nov, but I couldn't find an e-book during those times. *sigh*
So please, please, please. Read it around October to November when the Christmas vibes are up! because reading it around January might bore you or might not give the same feeling as what others who've read around December felt. *double sigh*
Okay, proceeding!!

Rating: 7/10

All in all, it was like reading a kids book that was made for young adults. Um, do you get me? No? No. It's like a book that's filled with twelve, light, and easy to read stories. The stories are really simple, and they're not literal, which is something great. It's unusual. Unique, rather. Like there was this one story that involved magic; but not like extreme magic, just light magic. Like a sidenote, and not something that was focused on. Those were the main points for me. What made me rate it as a seven though, is that all in all, it didn't give me an effect. There were stories that gave me butterflies or jitters, but not every story was like a "wow" to me. I don't know if the time when I read those were the main reason, but it just wasn't one of those books that couldn't make me move on easily. 

What to expect:

Hot men (that's if you like men who carry trees, and men who wear reindeer ears)
Cute stories
Cliff-hangers that will just make you ask "Wait. So what happened to them?? Will there be an epilogue??"
Unusual "Holiday" stories.
Stories that aren't all about love between a normal boy and girl.

Will it increase my holiday vibes?

Probably! :)

Will I continue reading it until 4:00AM?

Possibly! Or until you finish a chapter. 


Are you satisfied?
No. :(

Are you planning on reading it again during this year's October-December?
Yeees, and I'll be posting a review again afterwards to give you a clearer one. :)

Yes! but please read it around October to December!

If you want to share your feelings and opinions about the book, please do!! Enlighten me with your version of butterflies, and how it felt reading it around October to December, because I am so regretting that I read it early this year. :((

Next post coming up soon! Laters! :)

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