"Gone Girl" movie review

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Rating: 8/10!

So, Gone Girl.
I thought Gone Girl was unexpected. I mean seriously, I don’t want to spoil anything to those who haven’t watched, but the girl, Amy? The ‘missing’ girl or the girl who’s so-called ‘gone’ in the story? is really clever. Expect the unexpected from her! Oh wait, don’t. Then, it would bore you. Haha! :)
I actually think the person who wrote the story’s a genius. The way the plot and the sequence was thought of. It was well-planned. That is, if the story wasn’t changed much by the producers. I have a friend who’s reading the book at the moment, and he said that the book’s confusing. He suggests you guys to watch the movie first before reading the book, so at least you’d get the story already. The down side to that though, is that to some people, reading the book of a movie you’ve watched is not thrilling anymore.
I’m one of those people.. heheh high five to those similar! 
Anyway, it’s just a friendly suggestion. If you still feel like reading the book first before watching the movie, or if you don’t have plans in watching the movie at all, go ahead! I actually want to hear from you as to how that version of experience is! Message me if you want to share. :D

What to expect:

 Numbers of plot twists!
 Oh-no moments!
 PATRICK HARRIS. If you’re a fan of the How I met your Mother series, you have got to watch this, I swear. You’ll be surprised with his role (you might also pity him)!
 Blood. Yes, there’s blood. "Isn’t the girl just missing? Why’s there blood?" Darling, just please watch the movie. I swear, all the blood you’ll be seeing will be worth it.
 A cliff-hanger :(
✽ Feminism! Or shall I say, Girl Power ;)
✽ Lastly, suspense! :)

Were the tickets worth it?


Is it filled with Dialogues that it could bore you?

Not really. I mean, there are few parts; but those are the parts where they talk about Amy’s case. :)

Were the Actors Good?

They were great! Wait for Barney, er, Patrick Harris! :)

Should I bring alot of Food?

YES. The only food a brought was a Jamaican Pattie and it was not enough. I also drank a bit of shake. Still not close to enough. Haha! 

Were you satisfied?

Yes!! Except for the ending. It was such a cliff hanger! I was like, “What the glob happened next?? That’s it?!”


YES :)
Watch it pleaaase, and tell me your reactions especially with Patrick Harris’s scene! Till my next post! :)

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