Yanagi, Midas Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

An excellent Japanese Buffet. Totally recommended. :)
Sorry for some blurry photos!

This is how Midas Hotel & Casino looks like from the outside. 
It's located along Roxas Boulevard.
Honestly, the hotel isn't very distinct. So probably, if you're not paying attention to the buildings or Google Map (if you're using that in locating Midas), you won't find the hotel easily.

But don't worry much about getting there a bit late because there are numbers of parking spaces in the area.

The design of Midas is pretty funky. I'll show more of it later after Yanagi. ;)

How Yanagi looks at its entrance; and on its left is the entrance to the Casino.

This is Yanagi!
The place isn't huge, but it can accommodate about 200 people?
They also have 3 private rooms.

Actually, we went there as a group of 18 and we had one private room reserved.
For a bit, I stayed in the room with the adults; but I eventually transferred to the "teens" table. 
(The picture above)
I personally liked the atmosphere of the teens table's area than the private room.

This was the private room. It's bigger than it looks. :)
So now, let's head on to the buffet itself!

This is how the Buffet area looks like from the area of the private rooms.

Yanagi offers a variety of Sushi, Tempura, and alike; and what I loved more about it is that they don't offer the usuals.
They tasted amazing! Especially the raw taste of the seafood in sushis.

There's this table on the opposite side that I wasn't able to try any of the food. I don't know why, but I regret losing the opportunity. :((

Near the certain table that I wasn't able to try, is a table that offered a variety of ramen.
Who doesn't like Ramen?
They also offered Miso, if that's what you've been looking for. Haha!
Sadly, I didn't had the chance to take a photo of it.

If you're wondering why some of my pics are blurry and why I wasn't able to take certain pics, it's because I was pressured in taking photos.
I mean seriously, every single time I raised my camera (and no, I wasn't using a flash, and my camera barely made any shutter sound), people kept looking as if I was committing a crime.
The employees said that pictures were fine, but the customers were seriously affected even when it's the food I'm photographing. :((

Next time, I'll keep my face and myself solid when situations like that happen again. I swear. :(

Of course, Yanagi offers desserts! :)
The desserts on the table didn't surprise me anymore, but the ice cream that will only be served if you order for it, did.
The ice cream is included in the buffet fee btw!
You'll see pics of it later.

Again, the sushi and tempura area! :)

Now, this.
This is the highlight of the (or atleast ours) Yanagi experience.
The Beef!!

Yanagi has this area near the dessert table where an employee cooks what you point. There are marinated shrimps, seafood, chicken, and meat.
But the highlight for me was the beef.
They were cooked excellently, and they were served in bite-sizes.
Imagine eating bite-sized, soft, and super juicy beef.

Here's a pic of my first plate.
Wasn't able to picture the following (uncountable) plates, because I enjoyed them too much and forgot about taking pictures. Haha!

This is how the beef looked when served!

Please take time to drool over this.

My plate from the dessert table.

And here are the ice cream!
The one on top is Green Tea, and the one on the bottom is Black Sesame.
The Black Sesame tasted better. <3

I was actually supposed to try all the flavors, but I was stuck on the beef. Hihi
The ice cream has 4 flavors. The ones I wasn't able to try were the Wasabi, and the Red Bean. :)

And that's it for the Yanagi Buffet!
There are a lot more I wasn't able to share to you, so I suggest you eat there yourself to get the whole yanagi experience. ;)

Now, I'll show you Midas's lobby. 

Look at how cool the design on their ceiling is!
Yes, the tips are lighted. :)

The view of the left side of the lobby from the elevator area.

A candid shot of me at the cafe area.

Lels obviously not candid haha!

The view of the right side of the lobby from the elevator area.

And here's a photo of me and my parents to conclude this adventure! :)

I love love love Yanagi! I bet you'd love it there too.
Aside from getting to eat amazing food, you'll discover new japanese food as well!
To be frank, the buffet rates are expensive (luckily, we were able to get a promo), but it's worth it as long as you have the budget. :)

Guys, list this on your "Buffets to try before I die" list. Haha!

Hope you enjoyed Yanagi!
Till my next post. :)

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