Pumpkin Soup

Saturday, July 18, 2015

If you're a fan of creamy soups, you'll surely love this one!
Recipe from Panlasang Pinoy. :)

Here are the ingredients:

1 teaspoon of Salt
1/2 cup of whipping cream 
(I bought 2, small cartons of Elle & Vire because the next size was already a liter. One small carton of Elle & Vire is 20 cl or centiliters, so it's 200 ml per carton)
Garlic Powder
Ground Black Pepper
2 cups of Chicken Broth/ Cubes
Parsley (optional, because it only serves as decoration)
1 lb of Calabaza or Pumpkin.
(I bought the half-sliced one in the grocery. Choose a big one or two small ones like I did)

Before all else, preheat the oven around 175 degrees Celsius, or 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

The first step's to peel the Pumpkin's skin off, and to dice them.
...Which is honestly, the hardest part for me. Especially the peeling! It was a pain. 
It even gave me a blister. :/

When the peeling and dicing's done, place them on a pan because it has to be heated up in the oven; but before that, they have to be sprinkled with the Ground Pepper and the Garlic Powder.

Panlasang Pinoy gave specific measurements for the spices, but I didn't follow it. Teehee.
Basically, I just sprinkled the pumpkins with the two spices until every piece looked coated already.

If you're done with that step, bake the pumpkins with the same temperature for 18 to 20 minutes.

Here's how mine looked! :)

After the baking step, the Pumpkins have to be liquefied using a blender. 
At the same time, it has to be mixed with the 2 cups of Chicken Broth and the chopped onions.
 I don't know if your blenders can muster up all pumpkins at once, because ours didn't. lol

So if your blenders don't seem strong enough to take all pumpkins, blend them in batches and mix a bit of Chicken Broth in from time to time, to help the process.
The onions get liquefied easily, so even if you mix them last, it'll be no sweat.

If they're all blended well already, transfer the Pumpkin and spices puree to a Dutch Oven (like a Casserole pot) or to any pan that's deep.
Turn the heat up, until the soup boils lightly.

Then, mix in the Whipping Cream, and Salt.
I actually wasn't able to mix in the Salt; because, well... I forgot. HAHA
buuuuut it turned out really good already!
And the salt doesn't seem really necessary when it's already got flavor.
Sooo salt or no salt, it's already the way to go.

Stir the soup until it looks as if the Whip Cream's settled already, and maybe just add a few more minutes of stirring.
Just a quick reminder: be cautious when mixing the Whipping Cream, because a too-heavy Pumpkin Soup, no matter how great the flavor is, won't ever be the same.

Oh, then, add in the Parsley!

Plus points for my decorating skills right dur.
From -10 to 0 real quick. HAHA kidding. ;)
And that's it, guys! Easy peasy rooiiighhhtt?
Makes a pretty great dinner soup, as well.

Which is why you should get cooking!
Credits once again to Panlasang Pinoy. :D

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