A new member of the Ng Family- HAPPY ♥

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Yes, we got a new baby- er, puppy in our family! 
It's been a really long time since we had one. 
About 4-5 years ago, we had our last dog. It was a Pug. We used to breed Pugs. We even had this long line of them, until it suddenly came to a full stop. 
Dad probably wanted to rest, since he did all the work during those years. I couldn't take care of them before because, well, I was still so irresponsible. I wouldn't even clean their poo, lol!

But now, I'm very confident to say that I'm responsible enough to take care of our new and following doggies. :)

So guys... here's Happy!!

... and she's sleeping in these pictures. Lol

Happy is a Jack Russell Terrier.
JRTs are known for being extremely energetic dogs.
The well-known Filipino boxer, Manny Pacquiao has a pet JRT that jogs with him; and despite its petite size, it can take any distance that Manny goes. 
He'll probably be the one finding difficulty in keeping up with it. Joke.

So I guess you can already tell that they can be hard to train.

Happy's been with us for a week now, and everytime she's out of her cage, she gets really hyper.
Trust me when I italicize "really", because she really gets really hyper.

There are times that she'd run insanely fast (for a dog of her size) from our kitchen to the main room, which is like a long corridor.
When you walk with her, she dashes off to your front, making you almost trip, then jumps at you.
And not just once.

Jack Russell Terriers are genetically short.
Most people think they're big when seen in pictures.

There are also times that Happy would bite us. Well, not real biting, but like a nip, especially when she's at her super hyper mood.
Another thing we have to train her to control.

But despite all those, she'll still be the baby of the house.
She brings joy to all of us. She even lessens the silence and loneliness.
The mere fact that she's there whenever you pass by the living room is heart warming.

Most of the time if you walk by, she'd instantly look at you and wag her tail.
There are also times that she'd just look at you and wait for you to wave at her or something like that.

As much as we want her outside her cage most of the time, we still have to keep her there to train her.
I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to have this little critter walk and sniff around wherever you're at?
Also, who wouldn't want a little puppy following you around wherever you go?

Well, that's Happy! She says "Thanks for reading my owner's post!" ;)

What about you?
Do you have plans on getting a puppy? :)

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